The Path of Resistance

The Zapatista uprising granted land, pride and rights to the indigenous people in Chiapas. After 20 years the Mexican authorities and large corporations want to take their territories to carry out business projects. Violence and corruption threaten peasants like Juan Vázquez Guzmán, a member of La Otra Campaña -the political initiative of the EZLN- who decided to defend the lands of the Ejido San Sebastián Bachajón.
Cheran, fire and hope

Cheran, fire and hope

Cheran_Trailer from Muzungu.Producciones on Vimeo.[dss_post_meta_child meta_type="taxonomy" taxonomy="authorsmz"...

Informe Robinson

Informe Robinson

[dss_post_meta_child meta_type="taxonomy" taxonomy="authorsmz" taxonomy_separator=","...

Ébola, my enemy

Ébola, my enemy

[dss_post_meta_child meta_type="taxonomy" taxonomy="authorsmz" taxonomy_separator=","...