Melilla Massacre: The EU’s deadly borders


On June 24, up to 2,000 migrants tried to climb over the 12 square kilometer fence that separates Morocco from the Spanish enclave of Melilla. As the crowd was being crushed in the stampede and under the collapsing fence, Spanish and Moroccan security forces beat the migrants and fired tear gas and smoke guns at them. A massacre ensued. The death toll was the highest ever recorded during migrant crossings to Melilla, but the total figure is still unknown, and varies between official sources, and human rights groups and activists who speak of up to 37 dead and more than 60 missing. While Spain and Morocco continue defending their brutality on June 24, claiming the repression was justified to protect the border, human rights activists have accused security forces of using "unjustified force" against migrants. Redfish's investigation reveals eyewitness accounts from migrants who were there at the time of the tragedy, who accuse Moroccan police of stabbing people trying to cross the border, and Spanish police of illegal pushbacks.
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